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Highest Rated Episodes
Season Episode Name Rating
3 9 The Rains of Castamere 9.9/10
6 9 Battle of the Bastards 9.9/10
6 10 The Winds of Winter 9.9/10
5 8 Hardhome 9.8/10
4 2 The Lion and the Rose 9.7/10
4 6 The Laws of Gods and Men 9.7/10
4 8 The Mountain and the Viper 9.7/10
4 10 The Children 9.7/10
2 9 Blackwater 9.7/10
6 5 The Door 9.7/10
Lowest Rated Episodes
Season Episode Name Rating
8 6 The Iron Throne 4.0/10
8 4 The Last of the Starks 5.5/10
8 5 The Bells 5.9/10
8 3 The Long Night 7.5/10
8 1 Winterfell 7.6/10
8 2 A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms 7.9/10
5 6 Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken 7.9/10
2 2 The Night Lands 8.3/10
6 6 Blood of My Blood 8.3/10
6 8 No One 8.3/10
Season Rankings
Season Episodes Rating
6 10 9.39/10
4 10 9.36/10
3 10 9.15/10
7 7 9.11/10
1 11 8.99/10
5 10 8.92/10
2 10 8.88/10
8 6 6.16/10